For Students
What is G30 and EMI?
What is G30?
G30 is the name of Nagoya University’s international program. All courses in this program are conducted in English.
In many schools, courses that are part of the G30 curriculum have "G30" in front of their names. This also includes G30 courses provided by the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Most students in the G30 international program are from abroad, but some are Japanese nationals who have studied in international high schools.
Japanese students in the regular program can also take G30 courses, and we encourage them to try. They can receive academic support from international student tutors through a project named NU-EMI (Nagoya University-English as a Medium of Instruction).
The majority of schools at Nagoya University have a G30 international undergraduate program. Even more schools have a G30 international graduate program.
Schools that have a G30 international undergraduate program are:
- School of Law
- School of Economics
- School of Humanities
- School of Engineering
- School of Science
- School of Agricultural Sciences
What is EMI?
EMI is an abbreviation of English as a Medium of Instruction and refers to a course conducted in English.
Roadmap (for current Japanese students)
Perhaps you are wondering what course in English to take. While you can try any course, some are easier than others.
In principle, we recommend to start with general interdisciplinary courses, then with introductory courses in your major.
Use the roadmap below as a guide, but don't be afraid to try courses that sound interesting even if you are not sure they are a good fit for you.
What is your English level?
500 - 520
We recommend general interdisciplinary courses such as those in the Contemporary Liberal Arts category. See Examples (1) below for some candidates.
520 - 550
We recommend introductory courses such as those in the Basic Courses in Natural Sciences and Basic Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences
course categories.
See Examples (2) below for some candidates.
550 and above
You can take successfully any course in English! Search the list of courses in English to find a course to try!
Examples (1)
- First Year Seminar
- Studium Generale
- Introduction to Intercultural Competence
- Introduction to Skills for Academic Success
- Exploration of Japan: From the Outside Looking Inside
- Introduction to Career Development Theory
- Introduction to Cultural Studies
- Go in Japanese Culture
- Gender Studies
- Introduction to Political Studies
- Immigration in Japan
- Introduction to Life Sciences
- Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
- Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
- Science of Materials
- Biotechnology
Examples (2)
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Special Mathematics Lecture
- Fundamentals of Chemistry
- Fundamentals of Biology
- Fundamentals of Physics
- Fundamentals of Earth Science
- Complex Analysis
- Literature
- Economics
- Management and Accounting
- Political Studies
- History
- Comparative Studies of Cultures
Tips for taking G30 courses
Congratulations on deciding to take a course from the International G30 program! Here are some things to keep in mind.
Classes are very small!
G30 courses are very small in size. You might be surprised that even lecture courses have 10-20 students. This means that the course instructor will expect you to be fully present and participating. While sleeping in lectures may be common in your usual classes, this doesn't happen in G30 classes.
Classes are interactive!
Most courses, including lecture courses, will have a lot of interaction - discussion, questions, projects, etc. We recommend you to come prepared to participate. This might seem overwhelming at first, but the more you try the more you will become comfortable.
Most international students are not “native English speakers”!
The assumption that international students are “native speakers of English” is very common. However, most G30 students are not native speakers, they have studied English just as you, and make mistakes as you. So, don't worry about being judged and simply try to have fun.
G30 course teachers are very supportive!
Taking a course in English might feel like a big challenge, but don't worry too much - just come and try it. If you have any difficulties, speak with the course teacher - they are very enthusiastic to have you in the course and are ready to support you.
Acquiring credits from G30 courses (for current Japanese students)
Can I get credits for graduation from G30 courses?
Students not enrolled in the G30 international program are able to register for G30 courses and some can be counted towards their graduation requirements.
The Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS) offers "EMI Courses", which fall under the "Global Liberal Arts" course category. Most of the G30 courses offered by the ILAS are designated as an "EMI Course" and can be taken to obtain credits for graduation. You can find a list of "EMI Courses" on the ILAS page of NU Portal, see also the pdf. For further details on "EMI Courses" and credits required for graduation, please refer to the NU-EMI website (only available in Japanese).
For specialized courses, some G30 courses can be counted for graduation instead of the equivalent course in the regular program. Which specialized courses can be obtained for credit varies from school to school, so please contact your school’s office for further information.
The NU-EMI Project offers support for Japanese students to register and take G30 courses. Please see the NU-EMI Website for more detailed information (only available in Japanese).
Senpai Voices (for current Japanese students)
Many Japanese students have previously taken G30 courses regardless of their graduation requirements. Their experiences are detailed in the videos and text below (note that the content is in Japanese).
私はIntroduction to Skills for Academic Success(「大学での学び」基礎論)という授業を受講しました。
特別数学講義(Special Mathematics Lecture)
私は3年生の冬、別の場で知り合ったG30プログラムのSerge Richard先生に勧誘を受け、4年生になって初めてG30プログラムの授業を受け始めました。そこで受けた印象は強烈で、その授業を1年間受けて過ごした体験は今後の大きな糧になりました。
私が受けた初めてのG30プログラムの講座は、そのRichard先生が担当する特別数学講義(Special Mathematics Lecture)でした。いざ授業を受けてみると、留学生たちは授業中に積極的に質問し、疑問を投げかけており、体験したことのないような双方向的な授業スタイルに衝撃を受けました。また、チューター制度により、留学生と頻繁にコミュニケーションを取ることができ、この講義の際のチューターとは今も授業外でも合う友人になっています。このG30プログラムの体験は、海外の大学院へ進学するという選択を後押ししてくれました。
もう一つ授業を受けて衝撃的だったことは、その授業を受けている日本人学生の大半が1, 2年生だったことです。私は入学と同時にコロナ禍になったこともあり、1人で黙々と英語の勉強を進め、今なんとか英語で授業を受けられるレベルになった訳ですが、1,2年生の頃から英語で授業を受けている日本人学生がいることに驚愕しました。私ももっと早くその存在を知っておきたかった、と強く思います。
特別数学講義(Special Mathematics Lecture)
Survey results (for current Japanese students)
We invite you to share your valuable thoughts and insights by participating in our survey on international opportunities at Nagoya Univeristy. The results below reflect the opinions of first-year Japanese students collected in the period April to July 2023.