Integrated International Education Center
The Integrated International Education Center (IIEC)
at the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education Planning & Development Center has the goals of:
- Creating better integration of the international and regular programs at Nagoya University.
- Providing students with opportunities to take advantage of the various courses in English that Nagoya University offers.
- # UpdateCourses in English updated2025.03.17The Courses in English page has been updated for 2025 courses.
- # UpdatePoster presentation session at 「clas」2025.01.16The event Insights and Innovations: Student Research Poster in English was held at the Nagoya University Project Gallery…
- # UpdateNew video - Bright2024.10.03We have made a new video detailing the experiences of Japanese students who have taken a course at Nagoya University in…
IIEC Faculty and Members
IIEC administration
office staff
Ryoko Nakajima
Integrated International Education Center
Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya
464-8601 Japan
Humanities Building (A4② on the Campus Map)